Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Elegy for a Public Option

This was sent to Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) today. If history proves to me anything, it is that I will not receive a reply from my senator, but alas, I'll hope.


I am quite disappointed by today's news that the Senate will not allow a public option in the upcoming health reform bill. There are many millions of Americans, like me, who work hard for no benefits and soon they will be unduly burdened by Sen. Baucus' bill.

Sen. Baucus' plan is little more than the status quo. Only now, people who cannot pay for healthcare, will be required by law to pay, lest they incur fines for not doing so. This logic baffles me. People who cannot pay must pay or be fined? Once they're fined, they will be lighter in the wallet and still required to buy health insurance.

The plan to offer tax breaks and vouchers is laughable too. As is, at my income level, I will not qualify for vouchers. A large majority of the uninsured will not qualify for vouchers. And while tax breaks sound nice, they will not pay dividends until after tax season. Were I to be required to buy insurance, the promise of a tax break will do little to keep my bank from charging an overdraft fee.

I feel like our Congress is out of touch with America. Our citizens, who are working hard, full-time, trying to build a family, and have no chance to get ahead. Public polls support a public option. But I suppose that means little. Like Kierkegaard wrote, "...one can speak to a whole nation in the name of the public and still the public will be less than a single real man however unimportant." In this case though the public is less than sixty individual Senators.

I am quite disillusioned with the Democratic Party since its wresting control of the Senate and House in 2006. It would be much more advisable to vote Republican. At least then I'd know they would promise to do nothing for me and keep that promise. As is, every bit of hope I believed in, especially in 2008, has been squandered.

Please, give me some solace to believe that this country is still great. In the last nine years the only messages I have received loud and clear are: We don't count votes (2000 election), we start illegal and unfounded wars, tax breaks go to people with enough money as is, and a large portion of our citizenry are not worthy of a healthy life (instead we play the odds from day to day).

Perhaps I should convert to the Church of Christ, Scientist. Prayer seems to be my only healthcare plan.

Please feel free to send this to your senator.

1 comment:

  1. Follow up. Dick Durbin has never replied to my letters. Even when I was completely screwed by a credit card company, I heard not a word. SO please, do not EVER write your representatives unless you've donated 2000 dollars to them.
