Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Soaring Age of Anarchy

Unfortunately I have been out of the loop the last few months because I went on a worldwide tour to see how the rest of the world looks, especially since we Americans are the butt of many jokes for not knowing our world. My line of travel allowed me to see the practices of the Inuit people of Canada, who fortunately for them they have avoided the problems of socialized Canada to socialistic Denmark to the once before mentioned Libertarian society of Somalia (it’s still the model country) to the land of God also known as Peshawar, or at least it will be once the Pakistani military is kicked completely out. From these travels I kept somewhat of an eye on the situation in the United States, and its outward push to become the next socialist power (You know, the type of system that the government takes care of its people, and these countries tend to be healthier, have a longer life expectancy, stronger small business based economy, and a happier society). However, I was happy to see when I returned that outward impressions are not always true! I have attended and have been following these evil democratic practices such as town hall meetings, which for too long have allowed Congressmen to hear coherent ideas and discussions about what they should do to help their constituents in Congress. Yet, now people are finally taking a stand in these meetings, and are using these platforms to yell and scream at their elected officials! I say keep doing that; drown out reasonable debates with shouting and off the wall (maybe dumb) questions.
The most recent one that I have had the opportunity to experience was the recent town hall meeting (or port-a-potty) with Bob Inglis in beautiful Boiling Springs, SC. This meeting contained some of the shouting and yelling, but it also contained some great questions that attacked the government. Which should be attacked, it would be much better if we had no existing government. Seriously, what good has the government ever done for this country? One fine gentleman was irate about the fact that the government wants to improve health care, the system that could one day lead to a death panel, which decides who lives or dies. We must keep that in the hands of private industries. However, I truly believe this older gentleman has never been helped by the government, and will never need be help. I am sure he cannot live a better life with his social security, or as he ages get benefits from Medicare or Medicaid. I think he would agree with a true Libertarian outlook that after he retires from a job at the age of 80, he has confidence that his family (hopefully he has one) will look out for him until his day is done. Yet, they may just keep grandpa around until he is worthless and then they will do what the Inuit people used to do with their old people, put them on an ice float and send them away! That is the way we should operate, however, it might be tough to find ice in the Artic any more so it might be easier to drive grandpa up into the mountains, give him a piece of hard candy and say good luck!
Another issue I was glad to see brought up dealt with vaccinations. I hate the fact that the government thinks that we as a people should be healthy. I agree with this lady, we should go back to the days when dysentery, typhoid, small pox, polio, and measles ran rampant. If we allow these diseases run all over our population again and couple it with sending old people into the sun, then we can decrease the overpopulation in our country. Heck, maybe we could return to the good old days before the Civil War, when this country was at its pinnacle. The country was small, the health and life expectancy were low, and by God if someone ticked you off you could just go shoot them.
There were many other questions and issue brought up at this meeting, but I will not waste any more time bringing up my agreements with these too. These people realize that we live in a truly awful nation which is destroyed by the law and order of a stable, democratic government that does tries to help its people. We have shown that we do not want to be like Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Spain, and Norway, but in fact we should embrace the governments of Somalia, the Congo (either one), Sudan, Mali, Nigeria, Liberia (FREEDOM!!), Zimbabwe, Afghanistan (once a true theocracy, which some would like to see in the USA as an alternative to anarchy), and Ivory Coast. I say keep it up people, and one day a great revolution will return the USA’s lawless past. Not sure when that past was other than the rough Wild West, but I can’t wait either way!

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