You have proven once again why a Michigan education is completely worthless. You're latest comments that Roger Goodell is "Gestapo-like", touched my last nerve regarding this ridiculous freaking labor dispute. I want so desperately to side with the players, but your ignorant, uninformed and offensive comment proves that there is no one to side with, and if the work stoppage continues through the season I won't give two wet farts about it.
I thought Michigan was a top school, a public ivy so to speak. Clearly they never taught you (not history) but basic literary coding. So you accuse Roger Goodell of being "Gestapo-like". Okay, let's explore that: The Gestapo hunted down and sent Jews to the gas chamber. I TOTALLY see that happening in the NFL. Goodell, the man tasked with making the brand "NFL" worth nine billion dollars, wants to protect that brand and punishes the athletes when they embarrass the brand by GASSING THEM. That is TOTALLY what happened to the Jews. Not. And this is what pisses me off about the comment.
NFL players are suffering an existence which is NOTHING like that of the Jews under Nazi occupation, you dumb fuck, Amani. Does Goodell come into players homes and replace the water line with mainline to Zyklon B? You over-privileged stupid shit. You got paid good money (a full ride to Michigan) and they couldn't put one once of good sense in your head to realize that athletes who willingly play a sport which compensates them at the MINIMUM of a salary that is more than ten times the average American's wages are not exploited. They play this game, and benefit from a NINE BILLION dollar pool of revenue. Your problem is that they don't get enough of the NINE BILLION dollar gravy-train And he has the unbelievable stones to compare himself to Jews gassed at camps throughout Europe.
Now, this is offensive for the simple use of the analogy, but...if he is drawing a comparison, what he is saying is that if the plight of the NFL player is like that of Jews hunted by the Gestapo, he is saying that the six million Jews who died were over-compensated brats who sought out trouble when they weren't playing because they had nothing better to do...that's essentially what NFL players are.
Amani... there is no simile I find that would make me want to hock a gigantic goober into someone's mouth...except this one (comparing someone/something to the Nazis). You dumb fuck. My feeling with an open letter is this, to tell certain people to shut the fuck up. And that's what you should do. Shut the fuck up. Jews were not over-privileged brats like the many NFL players are tending to demonstrate (see Adrian Peterson and slavery). You want me to stop watching the NFL, keep saying stupid fucking comments like yours, you dumb fuck.
Since Michigan didn't put an ounce of good sense into your head (I excuse Adrian Peterson because Oklahoma is a football factory and doesn't even pretend to turnout student-athletes), I will. The Jews were not over-privileged millionaires. Hitler did not authorize their extermination because they were damaging the Nazi brand. And it's not just the Nazi simile you made. If you compared him to the KGB- sorry. Goodell is not even close to an organization, which under Stalin, wiped out 30 million Russians/Ukrainians/Uzbecks/Poles/ etc. through execution and sending people to Siberian gulags. Last I checked, Amani, your mansion is no gulag.
So please, I beg you, shut the fuck up. You're embarrassing Michigan. Clearly you garnered nothing from your time there.
As for the lockout. I'm beyond caring now. The draft will come. Used to love that day. Now? Who cares? A new crop of two hundred and something dumb fucks who didn't learn a shart's worth of anything in school except, "Me hit, bad man" will get a bunch of money. After which they can say, "I'm like those people who wear the funny beanie hats, who were economically crushed before being loaded up like cattle into trains, and shipped off to camps to die of starvation or Zyklon B. Except, I'm a Christian and they aren't so I'll go to heaven at least. Praise Jebus." Way to go Amani, you dumb ass. STFU.